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Why Sellers Might Refuse to Accept a VA Loan Offer from Buyers

June 08, 202413 min read

Why Would a Seller Not Accept a VA Loan? | Best Reasons

Ever thought about why some sellers might not like offers from a VA loan borrower? If you're a veteran, you can use the VA loan program. This program doesn't need a down payment. But, sellers might doubt VA offers for various reasons. Let's look at these reasons closer.

Key Takeaways

  • Sellers may wrongly believe that VA loans take longer to close and involve more red tape.

  • Misconceptions about strict VA appraisal requirements and costly repairs can deter sellers.

  • Some sellers worry about covering closing costs or accepting a lower offer from VA buyers.

  • Lack of knowledge about the VA loan process can lead to unfounded concerns among sellers.

  • Working with experienced VA lenders and agents can help dispel myths and ensure a smooth transaction.

Misconceptions about VA Loans

Many sellers think VA loans take longer to close than regular loans. But this isn't true. VA loans close just as fast as other loans if everything goes smoothly.

Sellers Believe VA Loans Take Longer to Close

Recent data shows VA loans close about three days later than other loans on average. This is pretty close. The VA loan process usually takes 30 to 45 days, just like other loans. The VA Mortgage Vet team averages 18 days from accepted offer to purchase to clear-to-close.

Myths about VA Loans Being More Complicated

Some sellers think VA loans are harder because of the Department of Veterans Affairs. But in reality, the process is simple. Lenders are skilled at working with VA loans. And the VA program uses modern technology to make things faster.

Concerns about VA Appraisal Process

Sellers might be concerned about the VA appraisal process. They might think it's stricter than other appraisals. But it's not much different. VA appraisals often come back in less than 10 days, just like other loan types.

By clearing up these misconceptions and teaching sellers about VA loans, I can improve my chances of buying my dream home.

Why Would a Seller Not Accept a VA Loan?

Being a homebuyer using VA financing, I sometimes face sellers who are hesitant to accept my offer. This wariness is often based on misunderstandings about the VA loan program and VA buyers.

an image of a VA appraisal process by depicting a home interior with a VA appraiser inspecting every detail. Show the appraiser measuring the rooms, checking the appliances, inspecting the plumbing, electrical and heating systems, as well as the structure of the house. Show the appraiser taking pictures and notes, making sure every aspect of the property is evaluated. Add visual elements that highlight the importance and thoroughness of the VA appraisal process, such as a badge or logo representing the VA. Use warm colors to convey a sense of trustworthiness and professionalism.

Sellers Think VA Buyers Can't Compete

It is wrongly believed that VA buyers are less qualified, making sellers prefer conventional buyers. The reality is different. VA buyers are more likely to reach the closing day than other buyers, which improves the closing success rate.

VA loans have easier rules with government backing. Veterans often use an Automated Underwriting System (AUS) and face less strict credit and debt rules. So, VA buyers can often be very real contenders.

Fears of Strict Property Requirements

Sellers might also doubt VA offers due to wrong ideas about property standards. It is true VA loans check if the property is worth the price, just as other loans do. But, the house must meet livability standards, which is normal for government loans.

VA appraisers ensure the property is safe to live in. They check if it has basic features. Sellers should not be afraid of big repair demands from a VA home sale.

All in all, VA buyers are more likely to have good finances, and the property checks are not too different from conventional loans. Once sellers understand the truth about the VA loan, they can feel secure about accepting offers from VA buyers. This opens the door to more people owning homes.

VA Loan Requirements Misunderstood

Sellers and agents may not always accept an offer using VA loans. This is because they often don't know what the program's requirements are. There are misconceptions that cause these worries.

Misconceptions about Seller Concessions

Some sellers and agents think that VA lenders always ask them to pay for closing costs or do repairs. They believe these costs and repairs are not necessary. But, in truth, VA loans are similar to conventional loans in the rules about seller concessions and required repairs for homes in good condition.

The VA checks to ensure the property is safe and livable. It doesn't ask for too much from sellers.

Lack of Knowledge about VA Loan Process

Another issue is the lack of knowledge about the VA loan process among many sellers and agents. This lack of knowledge causes problems and unnecessary worries. They may find the process too complex or hard. Yet, working with preapproved VA buyers and lenders who know VA loans can make things easier and faster.

When sellers and agents know the true VA loan requirements and process, they can make better choices. Clearing up these wrong ideas can help more veterans and active-duty personnel own homes.

Sellers' Worries about Lowball Offers

Sellers often worry that veterans can pay less for their home. They fear this because VA loans also don't require a down payment. Yet, many forget that a VA borrower could make a strong, above-appraised-value offer.

This is possible since VA loans also let buyers pay the extra from their own pockets. This happens when their offer is more than the home's appraised value.

On average, VA buyers have a higher closing success rate compared to other buyers in the market.

In essence, even with zero down, veterans can pay the true value or more for the home they want. They do this to stand out over other bidders, even in tough competition. The key is that the VA borrower could react quickly and go above and beyond what's expected.

  • VA loans close at nearly the same rate as conventional loans, with VA purchase loans closing at a rate of 77.7%.

  • The average time to close a VA loan is 32 days, only slightly faster than the average time for a conventional loan (37 days).

  • VA loans have easier rules for approval. This leads to faster deals and fewer problems with buyer finances or credit.

Understanding how VA loans also work helps sellers. It shows the power of VA buyers to make reasonable, but strong offers. So, sellers can trust these offers and not just fear they're too low to be good.

Concerns about Working with VA Appraisers

Many sellers worry when they get a VA home loan offer. They think VA appraisers are very strict. This can lead to lots of repairs or unfair concessions when selling a home.

Apprehensions about VA Appraisal Guidelines

Sellers might be scared of the VA appraisal guidelines. They worry they're harder than other types of loans. But, that's not true. VA appraisals just make sure a home is safe to live in. They're like any other government-backed loan that requires no down payment.

Myths about VA Appraisers Being Too Strict

Some say VA appraisers are very tough, creating a myth. They believe it means large repairs or big concessions. The truth is, VA appraisals are normal. They check if a home is safe to live in. This check is similar to other home loans.

Impact of Real Estate Agents' Advice

Real estate agents can really shape a seller's choice on accepting or rejecting a VA loan offer. Their knowledge of the VA home buying process is key. This affects how well a home sale goes.

Agents May Not Understand VA Loans Fully

Some real estate agents might not fully get the VA loan program. They might give off-base advice to sellers. This makes them look at conventional offers more favorably. So, they might not see a good VA offer as worth it. This can hurt a buyer's chance to get their dream home.

Misinformation from Inexperienced Agents

Less experienced agents might not know the specifics of VA loans. They could end up telling sellers wrong facts. This misinformation might make conventional offers seem better. Because of this, sellers might not give a real VA offer a fair chance. Even if the VA buyer and offer are good, a seller could turn it down. And that's because of the agent's bad advice.

The advice real estate pros give is super important. It really shapes how a seller sees VA loans. Agents who don't really know the VA loan process might unknowingly push sellers away from good VA offers. This could mess up a buyer's home-buying process.

Competitive Market Dynamics

In today's real estate market, sellers often find themselves making hard decisions. This is especially true in high-activity housing markets. Some sellers might doubt VA loans because they worry about extra costs or government rules. But these worries are often based on misconceptions.

Preference for Conventional Loans in Hot Markets

Sellers in sought-after areas often choose conventional loan offers when more than one is available. They mistakenly think VA loans are harder to deal with and have bad interest rates. However, VA loan rates are usually quite good. Plus, the process is not usually more complex than other loans.

Fear of Losing Other Offers While Waiting

Sellers may worry that VA loans take more time to close than other loans. They fear they might lose the chance to sell to someone else while waiting on a VA loan. But, the truth is that VA loans can close as quickly as conventional loans. Lenders now work in a way that helps VA loans close fast.

Understanding the real facts about VA loans can help sellers. It lets them make choices that might help sell their homes to more types of buyers, including those who use VA loans.

Overcoming Objections to VA Loans

As a VA loan buyer, you might face some pushback from sellers. This is because of misunderstandings about VA loans. But, there are strategies that can help. Educating the sellers on VA loan benefits is key. Also, working with real estate experts familiar with VA loans can make a big difference. It can help you get your offer considered more seriously. Veteran Mortgage Advisors are experts in VA home lending and specialize in educating Realtors and consumers about the loan program.

An image of a seller shaking their head and pointing to a sign that reads "No VA Loans" with disappointed VA buyers looking on. In the background, a traditional buyer is signing paperwork with a smile on their face.

Educating Sellers on VA Loan Benefits

VA loans offer competitive interest rates. This makes them great for both sides. They also let qualified borrowers buy with no down payment, which is rare and can change a deal. By pointing out these perks, you help sellers see why considering a VA loan is a good idea.

Understanding the advantages of VA loans can help sellers see why they would accept a VA loan offer.

Working with VA-Savvy Real Estate Professionals

Choosing real estate experts who know their stuff on VA loans is crucial. They understand the VA loan requirements and can clear up any wrong ideas about VA loans. Their skilled help can make the process smoother. It also increases the chance of your VA offer getting approved.

By tackling common doubts and getting help from VA experts, you can sail through the buying journey. VA loans aren't slow to close, as some think. They operate more like traditional loans. This makes them a solid choice for many, including sellers.


Being interested in buying a home with a VA loan, I've seen that sellers might hesitate. This is because they have wrong ideas about VA loans. They think VA loans take longer to close, have more paperwork, and need stricter property conditions. But I've learned to talk to sellers about these myths. This helps me increase the chances of getting the home I want.

In fact, VA loans usually close as fast as conventional loans. In 2023, VA loans took about 32 days to close. This is similar to how long FHA loans took. Also, about VA appraisals, they don't slow things down a lot. The appraisers send their reports within 10 days of looking at a home. They mainly care about the home's safety, not small details.

Working with real estate experts who know how VA loans work is important. They clear up any misunderstandings about VA loans. This way, your offer stands a better chance. It also makes sellers more at ease about having you, a VA buyer, as their home's next owner. By breaking the myths around VA loans, your Realtor© will show sellers that picking your VA loan offer is a wise move. It can make buying their home go smoothly.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Why do some home sellers reject VA loan offers?

Many home sellers reject VA loan offers due to misconceptions about the VA loan process, thinking it is complicated or risky. Additionally, some believe that VA loans require more stringent appraisals and repairs, making the process longer and possibly lowering their profits.

Q: Are VA loans bad for sellers?

VA loans are not inherently bad for sellers, but they do have certain requirements that can be seen as less favorable. These include the VA's Minimum Property Requirements, which may necessitate additional repairs, and the perception that VA loans take longer to close. However, these issues can often be mitigated with proper communication and understanding.

Q: Do VA loans require home sellers to pay additional costs?

No In the past, it was customary to require the sellers to cover expenses like the pest inspection, but the VA clarified this and it is no longer a requirement. These costs, however, can be negotiated with the seller.

Q: Do VA loan offers take longer to close?

It is a common misconception that VA loan offers take significantly longer to close. While there may be additional steps involved, working with a lender who specializes in VA loans can help ensure a smooth and timely closing process. The VA Mortgage Vet team averages 18 days from accepted offer to purchase to clear-to-close (final approval).

Q: How can buyers get their VA loan offer accepted?

Buyers can increase their chances of getting their VA loan offer accepted by working with a real estate agent who understands VA loans and can effectively communicate with the seller. Additionally, providing a strong offer, including a competitive asking price and flexible closing dates, can make the offer more attractive.

Q: What are VA Minimum Property Requirements?

The VA established the VA Minimum Property Requirements to make sure that a service member's home is safe, structurally secure, and sound. These include specific criteria related to the condition of the property, such as no exposed wiring, adequate roofing, and functional heating systems.

Q: Why do sellers have misconceptions about VA loan offers?

Sellers often have misconceptions about VA loan offers due to outdated information or a lack of experience with these types of loans. These misconceptions include the belief that VA loans are harder to close, require extensive repairs, or financially burden the seller. Educating both buyers and sellers about the true nature of VA loans can help dispel these myths.

Q: Can using a VA loan be a disadvantage in a competitive housing market?

In a competitive housing market, using a VA loan might be viewed as a disadvantage due to the misconceptions surrounding it. However, buyers can improve their chances by getting pre-approved, demonstrating financial stability, and working with real estate professionals who understand the VA loan process.

Q: Do VA loans require no down payment?

Yes, one of the significant advantages of VA loans is that they require no down payment, making home buying more accessible for service members. However, this can sometimes lead sellers to view VA offers less favorably compared to offers with a larger down payment, which they may perceive as more financially secure.

For further advice on how to make sure your VA home loan process goes as fast and smoothly as possible, please read our article titled: How Hard Is It to Qualify for a VA Loan? VA Home Loan Eligibility

VA Home LoanSeller ObjectionsVA Loan MythsVA Appraisal ProcessVA Loan BenefitsVeteran HomebuyersOvercoming Seller Hesitation
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Travis Egan

Are you looking for the best mortgage experience in the market? Look no further than Travis! With nearly three decades of experience in the mortgage industry, Travis has helped thousands of families achieve their dreams of homeownership. As a former active-duty Marine, he brings the same tenacity to finding you the best loan for your circumstances. Travis understands that buying a home or refinancing your current one can be overwhelming, so his goal is to make the mortgage process as easy as possible for you. He takes the time to understand your unique situation and preferences, leaving no stone unturned when finding the best mortgage product. Travis is more than just a mortgage lender - he wants to be your lifetime friend. He is passionate about helping you create family memories in the home of your dreams. And with his dedication to coordinating with your family, financial planner, tax professional, and others, you can rest assured that you'll be able to enjoy the life you've worked hard to create. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking to refinance your current home, Travis can help you achieve your goals. Don't wait any longer to make your dreams a reality - call Travis today and experience the #1 key to a successful mortgage journey: being informed.

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Minnetonka, MN 55345

Travis Egan, VA Mortgage Vet

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5868 Baker Road, Minnetonka, MN 55345

(763) 219-8484

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